Soviet anti-NATO vintage propaganda poster
Scene depicts a man wearing a tank top with “Pentagon” written on it’s T-shirt, is lifting weights which represent numbers with regard to the Pentagon’s budget ($118000000000)
What is the Pentagon? the Pentagon is the headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense. As a symbol of the U.S. military, the phrase The Pentagon is also often used as a metonym for the Department of Defense and its leadership.
About the artists: The Kukryniksy (Russian: Кукрыниксы) were three caricaturists/cartoonists in the USSR with a recognizable style.was a collective name derived from the combined names of three caricaturists (Mikhail Kupriyanov, Михаил Васильевич Куприянов, 1903—1991), Porfiri Krylov (Порфирий Никитич Крылов, 1902—1990), and Nikolai Sokolov (Николай Александрович Соколов, 1903—2000) who had met at VKhUTEMAS, a Moscow art school, in the early 1920s. The three began drawing caricatures under the joint signature in 1924. This is not the only example of such names combination — «Grivadi Gorpozhaks» is also a collective name of writers Grigori Pozhenyan, Vasili Aksenov and Ovidi Gorchakov, but in fine arts their example is unique. They became nationally famous in the 1930s after the rise of fascism, drawing for Krokodil, the Moscow satirical paper. They received international recognition for their attacks on Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, and Francisco Franco. During the Second World War they established the TASS Windows for political cartoons and posters. After the end of the Second World War they continued to depict politics in their series «Cold War» (1945—1980s). From a poster set called “Familiar Handwriting of the Imperialists “
Size 43cm (16.9inches) x 57cm (22.44 inches)
Printed in 1977
Languge: Russian Country: Russia,Soviet Union
Condition: good